3 JS Elements:
Collapsible List
I would want this to work by having the user click the header button, then a list expands and shows more items. Similarly, I would like the list to go back to its original state when the user clicks once more.
This relates to my personas and scenarios because this allows for easier navigation across the website. More information regarding where they can find projects and contact information will be shown, and they may not even need to click into the specific projects page to know what projects I have done. I may have each project as an individual item in this collapsible list.
Calendar w/ events
I would want this to work by showing the user a calendar with a month view, and also showing them relevant (from my perspective) tech events that I will be attending. The user would be able to click from month to month for the current year.
This relates to my personas and scenarios because this allows my personas to find in-person tech events where they can connect with me in-person, especially if they are personally interested in the technology that is being discussed or if it is related to talents that they wish to acquire.
Interactive experience timeline (uses array)
I would want this to work by showing the user a timeline that contains each project that I have done and its dates, emphasizing their dates relative to one another via the timeline. This interactive timeline would allow for the user to hover over projects for them to enlarge and show more information, also providing them the option to click to see more information.
This relates to my personas and scenarios because this allows for the user to see the projects that I have done throughout my career in an interactive manner. Also, they are able to see my interests in tech / projects develop throughout my career, and potentially even the complexity of each project develop.