How did you learn JS? (Obstacles, overcoming, doing differently.)
To learn JavaScript, I used online tutorial videos and the exercises they provided. One that was really helpful was freeCodeCamp. In their course, I learned to use some basic JavaScript concepts like variables, different data types, operators and expressions, functions, conditionals (if, else if, else), and loops (for/while). After, I went and learned some elementary data structures like arrays and their methods (push, pop, shift, etc.). Finally, I learned about object oriented programming, which I have briefly touched on in other school courses. I specifically learned how to use OOP in JavaScript, including using the “this” keyword, objects, and their constructors.
Some of the more difficult concepts included object oriented programming. I first saw this concept in Java, where there were many keywords associated with its OOP principles (and boilerplate in general). This lead to me struggling with OOP concepts in general, as I found myself lost in the syntax. Some of this struggle followed when learning JavaScript, but it was much easier than Java. Perhaps because I was already briefly introduced to it.
I was able to overcome these difficulties using OOP in JavaScript by toying around with different examples found across the internet. The more I applied what I learned, the easier I found it. Finally, I applied myself by actually tying it together with the web dev project.
One thing I would do differently when learning JavaScript is to identify exactly what I am uncomfortable with, and spend more time on those concepts rather than applying an equal amount of time learning the nitty gritty of all the concepts equally. I feel that this would provide me with a more well-rounded knowledge set sooner.
How does your code help the scenarios presented?
Collapsible List - This code organizes the contents of my portfolio page in a very concise, yet not too compact way. This allows recruiters who are searching for talent or peers who are looking for project inspiration to know what content to be offered on the webpage, and also where exactly to find such content.
Interactive Experience Timeline - This code allows recruiters who are searching for talent or peers who are looking for project inspiration to see how both my project interest and expertise has developed over the years. This information could be used by recruiters to assess whether or not my current interests and experiences are suitable for the position they are hoping to fill. A similar statement could also be said about peers, as they could be given an idea of where technology would be trending towards by looking at projects over time.
Calendar w/ Events - This code allows recruiters who are searching for talent or peers who are looking for project inspiration to see events that I’ll be attending, which will help them find an opportunity to connect with me if they wish to.
Zipped code: