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E-Portfolio, Reflections

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Hello, my name is Carol-Ann Lane and I'm a Master's Degree student at Athabasca University. I'm currently enrolled in the MDDE 610 Technology course.

I have created this Home Page to represent my e-portfolio and reflections on various software programs. One of the programs available in Adobe's suite is Dreamweaver, which I utilized to create this website. The purpose of the program is to enable users to create interactive web sites.  Users do not require prior html experience.

I utilized the CAI e-studio works for Dreamweaver with the intention to learn enough of the functionality to enable construction of an interactive web site.  As a new user of the program, with the aid of CAI, I expected to gain ability to understand web design effectively, not having previous html experience.




Critique of CAI Studio E-Works
Click here for a discussion of the benefits and detriments of utilizing Studio E-works for computer assisted instruction for Dreamweaver program.

Communication Tools
Click here for critique on various communication tools recently used. These include: Skype, SecondLife, Elluminate, Yahoo.

MSN - Blog
Here's an opportunity to voice your opinion in this Blog. Share your thoughts on CAI (computer assisted instruction).

Email to Carol-Ann
For further information, click above link to send an email to me.