Welcome to CaLane's EPortfolio


    Currently I’m registered in the Master’s Degree program at Athabasca University.
    Courses taken:
    Mais 601 and 602
    MDDE 601, 611 and 610 (currently enrolled)

    The following are various current User names & email locations I have:
    carol.ann.lane (skype)

    Objectives of Learning

    I utilized the CAI e-studio works for Dreamweaver with the intention to gain knowledge of the functionality to enable construction of an interactive web site.  As a new user of the program, I expected to gain ability to understand web design effectively, not having previous html experience, with the aid of CAI.

    Main factors I considered::
    >Users without primary html exposure.  Is Dreamweaver a choice for these users? Dreamweaver is a good choice for users who have minimal html experience. There are a number of templates and uses available to the user to create basic webpages. The CAI instruction cd did not cover fundamental areas that were more advanced such as adding a visitor counter or synchronous chat.In addition, the cd was limited to an overview and basic training.
    >Was the learning effective using the e-studio works application? I was effective from a basic resource position, however I've stated in my critique that the ordering of the chapters and length prevented users from understanding advanced elements of webpage making. I required to re-review a number of chapters to complete the site. Other key areas of improvement would be addition of labels and intuitive legends for navigating the chapters.
    >Did the program enable me to easily set up a web application.  Did I learn about html in addition to understanding the functionality of the program. I did learn some basics in html during the Studio E-works cd for Dreamweaver;however, as the instructor indicates there is no need to understand html. I reverted to the word format in design mode for the creation of the webpage.
    >Would the program be suitable for students in a learning environment? I think the Studio E-works cd would be useful for on-line learning but would need to be supplemented with application of the websites through testing. As webpages are on-line the learning environment is suitable for on-line instruction. In addition, the learning platform is enhanced via simulated video instruction.

    Results-What I achieved

    The Studio E-works instruction provided enough direction for me to set up a website. Initially I used a blank page with some backgroud-MyTestpage.html. Then, I determined that I would want a structure with a frame to allow users to navigate my page easily.

    I reviewed a number of templates and chose one with enough contrast color to enhance the style but still use enough white space to ensure visibility of the text.

    Once my template was selected I needed to find a document repository. One flaw I encountered in my process was selection of my local hard drive as the repository of my documents. The instructional cd doesn't emphasize this critical element in the basic usage of site path for webpages. I determined the most appropriate repository would be: Me2U for Athabasca. Once I uploaded the files, I then needed to access an ftp server for publication of the webpage.

    I've encountered numerous issues in publishing the webpage. One main issue is the use of an ftp service is fee-based. Both an activation fee and monthly fee.

    The "free" alternative is to publish the site is in Me2U. I have uploaded various html pages I created using Dreamweaver.

    Here are the following pages:



    Site where html documents reside: Me2U