Identity, Agency & the Digital Nexus, 5-7 Apr. 2013, Athabasca U

About | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Abstracts of presentations

imageIdentity, Agency, and the Digital Nexus is an international symposium organized by Athabasca University, held on April 5-7, 2013. This wiki provides an interactive social space to complement the symposium website. Here, you can read presenters' abstracts and comment on presentations, follow the symposium Twitter feed - via the hashtag #dns2013 - and interact in other ways with the symposium and its participants. For a PDF of the symposium schedule, with links to webcasts of the proceedings, click here.

#dns2013 website < For symposium details, including the schedule and links to webcasts of proceedings

#dns2013 on Twitter < See the latest tweets for the symposium, via its hashtag #dns2013

#dns2013 on Facebook < For location details, participant Q&A, and other updates

Abstracts of presentations:

This wiki houses individual wikis for each presenter - these are listed below, and also at right, under Navigation. Each wiki includes the presenter's abstract and provides a Comment option that is open to public, not just Landing users. This way, you can comment on a given presentation asynchronously - that is, not just at the time of the presentation, but at your convenience.

Presenters are listed according to the symposium schedule, not in alphabetical order. 

Andrew Feenberg, "Dialectics of the Digital World" - PLENARY 

Maria Bakardjieva, “Navigating the ‘Mediapolis’: Digital Media and Emerging Practices of Democratic Participation”

Andrew Herman, “Hiding the Hiding: Network(ed) Capital and the Performativities of Digital Labour”

Leslie Lindballe, “Critical Discourse Analysis and the Question of a Digital Bubble”

Sharone Daniel, “The Influence of Social Networks, Relationship-ties, and Identity on Participation in Internetworked Social Movements”

Carolyn Guertin, “Hacktivist (Pre) Occupations: Self-Surveillance, Participation and Public Space”

Mark A. McCutcheon, “Theoretical and Institutional Contexts of the Dubject, the Doubled and Spaced Self”

Marcel O’Gorman, “From Dust to Data: Art as Research in the Posthumanities”

David Gunkel, “Response-Able Machines: The Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Autonomous Agents" - PLENARY

Ian Angus, "Digitization as Knowledge and as Being”

Bob Hanke, “The Network University in Transition”

George Siemens, “Identity Formation in Distributed Networks and Social Spaces”

Lorna Stefanick, “Democracy and Identity in the Digital Age”

Josipa Petrunić, “The Digital Democratic Deficit: an analysis of efforts and outcomes related to digitised elections and campaigning”

Daryl Campbell, “Badiou's Subject: The Case of Open Source Software Development”

Roman Onufrijchuk, “Of ‘Data Wakes’ and ‘Paramortals’”

Jay Smith, “The Internet and Democratic Citizenship – the Dark Shadow” 


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