Articles, arguments, and other sources on scholarly blogging

To try to keep on top of the ongoing debate over the place and value of scholarly blogging in academia, I'm starting a page to document articles, arguments, and related sources on this subject. Feel free to add any sources you find (or already know about and recommend).

Casper, Stephen T. "Why academics should blog: a college of one's own." Neuro Times blog, 26 Apr. 2011.

Coyne, James. "Advice to Junior Academics on How to Get Involved with Twitter." PLOS Blogs 9 Dec. 2013.

Croxall, Brian. "Getting your work to count." Profhacker 1 May 2012.

Davidson, Sinclair. "Why academics should blog." Blog Central, RMIT U. 28 Feb. 2011.

Fullick, Melonie. "Should you enter the academic blogosphere?" University Affairs / Affaires Universitaires 11 Oct. 2011.

Guide to using Twitter in university research, teaching, and impact activities. Impact of Social Sciences blog. London School of Economics. 29 Sept. 2011.

"Guidelines for evaluating work in digital humanities and digital scholarship." MLA Jan. 2012.

Highberg, Nels P. "Talking about blogging in tenure and application documents." Profhacker 6 Oct. 2009.

Jaschik, Scott. "Getting (digital) respect." Inside Higher Ed 30 Apr. 2012.

Maslen, Geoff. "Academics and universities should embrace blogging as a vital tool of academic communication and impact." Impact of Social Sciences blog. London School of Economics. 29 Sept. 2011.

NB: This one makes an important argument applicable to the Landing. "Universities [in] increasing numbers are creating blogging home pages in their eagerness to have their staff blog, not only to inform other academics as well as outsiders of their research, but also to use blogging as a new pedagogical-teaching system."

Mollett, Amy et al. Using Twitter in university research, teaching, and impact activities. LSE Public Policy Group, 2011.

O'Driscoll, Michael, ed. Readers' Forum: Face/Book/Net/Work: Social Networking and the Humanities. English Studies in Canada 36.4 (2010): 1-26.

Powell, Douglas A. et al. "Using blogs and new media in academic practice: Potential Roles in Research, Teaching, Learning and Extension." Innovative Higher Education 36.

"Compiling a referenced article for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is traditionally the most respected means of contributing to a body of knowledge. However, we argue that publication of evidence-based information via new media – especially blogging – can also be a valid form of academic scholarship."
...And yet, ironically, the article is still in a peer-review, subscriber-access journal...

Thompson, Pat and Inger Mewburn. "Why do academics blog? It's not for public outreach, research shows." The Guardian 2 Dec. 2013.

Weller, Martin. "Digital scholarship and the tenure process as an indicator of change in universities." Universities and Knowledge Society Journal 9.2 (2012): 347-60.