This mashup artifact contains feed from the following sources:
1. Google News Feed for the topic "Social Media Technology". This RSS feed was created using the tool.
2. Reddit Feed for the subreddit /SocialMediaNews. I discovered that you could add .rss to any Reddit URL for a subreddit and it allows you to generate the RSS feed URL that The Landing's pinboard integrated with very well.
3. Twitter Feed for the hashtag #SocialMedia. This RSS feed was also created using the tool. I tried to cap the number of RSS feeds I generated using only to two due to the limit of two RSS feeds for a free account.
4. Feed from The Landing for Blog Posts containing the tag, 'COMP650'.
5. Technology News on BBC. This was created using the XML provided by BBC's website.
This page also contains a comments section and any feedback from the colleagues would be greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy your stay on this page.