Athabasca University - Public deserves to know what's happening

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By Jon Dron 25 February 2013 @ 12:09pm Comments (1)

A post providing speculation but mainly questions about the causes of recent events affecting and affected by AU's leadership.


  • an unauthenticated user of the Landing March 3, 2013 - 7:01pm

    Athabasca University has been such a great experience for me that it is my hope the issues get resolved and the political component does not become so overbearing that it impacts the great service the school provides the community. 

    I received a bachelor and a master degree from the University of Calgary, but my experience with Athabasca has been very rich and rewarding thus far, and I actually much prefer getting a degree through Athabasca for a myriad of reasons.  Integration with the University of Alberta, although rumoured and not based on fact, might not be a bad idea in terms of credentials, but the current structure of Athabasca has been optimal for me.  Of course, it helps that Dr. Dron, a professor of mine, happens to be nothing short of stellar, which makes the educational experience that much more rewarding.

    It is my view that the great contribution of Athabasca to the community cannot be undermined in spite of the political contingencies.

    - Susanne