The BBC's Shipping Forecast is one of the great binding traditions of British culture that has been many a Brit's lullaby since time immemorial (ie. long before I was born). Though I never once paid attention to its content in all the decades I heard it, eleven years after leaving the country I could still probably recite the majority of the 31 sea areas surrounding the British Isles from memory.
For as long as I can recall, the gently soothing voice of the Shipping Forecast was Peter Jefferson (apparently he retired after 40 years in 2009) who, in this magnificently somnolent rendering, immortalizes exerpts from the General Data Protection Regulation that has recently come into force in the EU. My eyelids start drooping about 30 seconds in.
"GDPR is more bad than goood.." -- amadeus :}
- Amadeus
Copyright regulations is about author who did iT or own it -- as for fair dealing - it is temporary own to have a sheep :)
- m
That's way the besstet answer so far!
- Colonel