Landing : Athabascau University


  • I seriously considered plagiarising the literature review paper I wrote on plagiarism.  I know what you’re thinking: “Man, is she crazy?” and the answer is: Absolutely. But let me first tell you why I seriously considered...
    • Mark A. McCutcheon November 21, 2013 - 1:04pm

      I appreciate reading about your critical thinking and reflection on this question; but I'm also glad that you've decided against carrying out that experiment on it. Unless plagiarism is specifically authorized or assigned by the instructor (and it wouldn't be by me, but it has been done elsewhere), it would be just too risky to try, because it would get caught (trust me), and it would then be almost impossible to retroactively justify as academic experiment. And then would follow proceedings that would affect your academic record. But all that said, you make a point - and a transparent, reflective post like this is precisely the best way to make it.

  • Erin Gray commented on the blog Writing process October 28, 2013 - 2:49pm
    You're published? That's seriously amazing! I was thinking about writing like that as well, but was kind of for more personal use than taking it public. I feel like my brain gets too full and writing it down helps empty it a bit. Did you just send...