I signed up for this a couple weeks ago. It's a fantastic opportunity!
Thank you for sharing Meaghan! This was really interesting to read about.
The article left me wondering if I there is anything I do in my life that I would consider a ritual.
Good question, Tobin. Often we focus on the idea of ritual being something solely to do with religion or formal/dignified actions, involving intentional symbolism, but you could also open it up to a general routine. I normally have my "morning ritual" of waking up, washing up, drinking coffee, having breakfast, and going to work. If anything disturbs that routine then the rest of my day is quite wonky and I don't feel right (for no good reason, they don't have to be in that particular order for any purpose that I know of [other than waking first]). So, perhaps there is something 'spiritual' and 'symbolic' about that as well (encompassing notions of 'completeness' and 'correctness'). I find that during this time of self-isolation I am relying even more heavily on my "rituals," as well as creating some new ones. Some appear to be far more flexible than others (not sure why). How will this impact who I am on the other side of this?
Kenneth Feder has a book that covers similar stuff. It's a fun read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frauds,_Myths,_and_Mysteries
Hey Tobin. Yes! Feder's book is wonderful--I actually used it to teach a course at another university before coming to AU.
Here's another good article: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/kristinakillgrove/2015/09/03/what-archaeologists-really-think-about-ancient-aliens-lost-colonies-and-fingerprints-of-the-gods/amp/
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