Landing : Athabascau University


  • Nicole Heaton commented on a wiki page titled COMP 601 - Food for Thought Week 4 October 8, 2019 - 7:39am
    The point you make about the flash content is excellent.  Most wouldn't want to allow flash due to the security risks and I could see the same thing happening with Adobe, that 10 years from now someone won't be able to open previous...
  • Nicole Heaton commented on a wiki page titled Week 2 Food for Thought: Search Engines September 23, 2019 - 10:53am
    Great read!  Regarding "pizzagate" It is good and bad that the internet can be scrubbed, not that I believe that is possible.  Good if you are a good person and someone hacked photo's of you or something innocuous that is no one else's...