Landing : Athabascau University


  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 10 April 22, 2016 - 10:32am
    In this lesson the topic is about managing, developing talent as well as being a good leader. To do this IT must focus on developing their capabilities. Following the framework that (McKeen and Smith) provides steps in developing capabilities. The...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 9 April 17, 2016 - 8:28pm
    In this lesson the topic is about outsourcing and partnership. Companies are realizing that they must concentrate on their core business to help the organization grow and have IT help with this process. Identified IT Core business functions bring...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 8 April 11, 2016 - 11:43am
    This lesson explains technology – enabled innovation and the factors that businesses must consider when they are planning innovation. There are two innovation types, Sustaining and Disruptive. With sustaining innovation the goal is to improve...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 7 April 8, 2016 - 9:41am
    The topic for lesson 7 was communication and the importance of having good communication lines open between IT and the business. Having good communication between IT and the business provides transparency between the two groups and helps align IT...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 7 April 8, 2016 - 9:41am
    The topic for lesson 7 was communication and the importance of having good communication lines open between IT and the business. Having good communication between IT and the business provides transparency between the two groups and helps align IT...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 6 April 5, 2016 - 9:23am
    In lesson 6 the discussion was about risk and how to have procedures in place to mitigate those risks. The first step in creating procedures is to assess what types of risk the organizations can be exposed to internally and externally. An...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 5 March 31, 2016 - 11:50am
    The value and the significance of IT governance are examined in this lesson. For IT governance to effective it must have collaboration in the organization between executives on the board and senior level management. The board must be involved with...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 4 March 27, 2016 - 7:30pm
    The future planning for IT involves processes linked to information technology expenditures and investment.  Many IT projects do not get approved due to managers of IT not presenting the information about the project in a business manner or...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 3 March 23, 2016 - 11:05am
    How does IT add value to a business? How to measure the value? These are the questions that businesses have to ask themselves when they are investing in IT. There are no standard methods that have been developed to assess the value that IT gives...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 - Lesson 2 March 22, 2016 - 10:35am
    Budgeting is an extensive part of an organizations planning. Budgets help organizations to determine where they must invest money to help them grow and where they can scale back to save on costs and expenses.Budgeting is a long and time intense...
  • Sachin Narayan published a blog post CMIS 431 Lesson 1 February 16, 2016 - 6:01pm
    Lesson1 Throughout the years, the role of the IT manager has evolved from being a more technical position to a strategic management role. In the early years the role of an IS was an educated technician that would mange data processing. In...