Landing : Athabascau University


  • Bob McDonald's blog posting on the subject of the success of 200 citizen science projects in Britain. He suggests it is a model for how Canada could fill the gap left by government cutbacks in environmental science.
  • The most recent issue of National Geographic features the contributions of citizen scientists like Peter Priolo who first sighted a nine-spotted ladybug that experts feared was going extinct on a sunflower on Long Island two years ago. This sighting...
  • Sandra Law bookmarked Citizen Scientists - Canada in the group Open Science Activities and Resources March 11, 2013 - 2:19pm
    Established in 2001 Citizen Scientists is a volunteer, non-profit focusing on ecological monitoring, environmental training and education.
  • Sandra Law published a blog post Solutions for Inclusion Conference in Guelph, ON in the group Accessibility at AU March 9, 2013 - 12:10pm
    inclusion, accessibility, conference Guelph
    • Sandra Law May 9, 2013 - 9:41am

      The conference presentation that Carrie and I are finalizing deals with the development of the accessibility guidelines at AU and their implementation in the course development process, specifically in mathematics courses (e.g. Math 265). An article* on eTexts, mathematics courses and students with visual impairments points out that there is a lack of research in this area. This gap is a critical one as the authors of the article point out because mathematics is the foundation of science and engineering disciplines. Adequate support for students with visual impairments can produce benefits for other groups as well (e.g. ESL learners, students with learning disabilities) who use technology to translate text to speech. MathML encodes meaning into online mathematical expressions allowing them to be translated and spoken unambiguously by screen readers and applications like Design Science's MathType. Math 265 was the first mathematics course to have its study guide converted from LaTeX to MathML.

      *Bouck, E.C. & Meyer, N.K. (2012). eText, Mathematics and Students with Visual Impairments: What Teachers Need to Know. Council for Exceptional Children, 45(2), 42-49.

    • Sandra Law May 29, 2013 - 11:13am

      At the keynote speech of the conference on May 28th Derek Featherstone emphasized the importance of approaching accessibility holistically rather than using a checklist approach. One recommendation was to identify the three top accessibility issues with a product/service and to address them. And then proceed t the next set of issues. Testing is important throughout the development cycle and should not be limited to minimum standard - test priority A, AA, and AA. Accessibility checkers/validation software only identify 25% of the issues so it is important to involve end users in the testing process. It is also important not to assume that a change that enhances accessibility for one group has minimal benefits for other users. For example, a variety of people may choose to use the keyboard only (sans mouse) - someone with carpal tunnel, people with limited mobility, arthritis, and users of text to speech (voice over) software.

    • Sandra Law June 3, 2013 - 3:36pm

      There were a number of interesting presentations during the conference which provided a more nuanced approach to accessibility/inclusion in the context of education and business.

      Universal Design Across Disciplines (Jay Dolmage, Editor Canadian Journal of Disability Studies)

      Jay Dolmage talked about universal design in the context of university facilities as well as course design. He provided attendees with a document that explored application of UD throughout the learning experience of the student. One of the areas that he covered was assessments/assignments.

      Assignment development process

      • Provide clear instructions about assignment objectives and desired outcomes
      • Provide exemplars of assignments as well as examples of unique submissions to give students a sense of the range of possibilities
      • Model 'tolerance for error' in your assignments
      • Scaffold large assignments so that students understand their trajectory of their work. For example, have students submit an outline and annotated bibliography for part marks if the final assignment is a research paper.
      • Design assignments so that they are flexible, that is, allow students can meet requirements by submitting in a variety of formats (oral, poster, podcasts, written, multimedia, journal)
      • Allow students to share draft work with instructors and peers (if appropriate)


      • Focus on content when evaluating work don't be hyper-corrective
      • Use rubrics in a manner that students can fully understand them.
      • Offer feedback that helps students improve their work
      • Consider using the mp3 recorder or video chat for comments on student assignments

      Real Time Captioning in F2F classroom (Charles Silverman & Stephen Hockema)

      A presentation on real-time captioning in the classroom explored the fact that most people (speaker suggested this was 99% of people in this category) with hearing loss have some residual hearing and this group does not tend to be fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). One of the speakers who has experienced hearing loss most of his life began his own university career in the 1970s using a fairly primitive system for notetaking - the tape recorder. The system he used at the time was not optimal - it recorded background noise as well as the lecturer and it made it difficult for him to attend to the speaker. It also meant that he spent a lot of time transcribing his notes into a text format. The system he and his fellow speaker were proposing involved the use of real time captioning (using offsite or onsite interpreters or software) which also allows for real time comment/correction on the part of audience members. The speaker suggests that this approach is more economically viable because it has the potential to benefit all students given that it generates a lecture with captions (and a transcript) that can reviewed by all students (including ESL, students who missed a class due to illness, students with disabilities, etc.). The approach can improve the quality of the audio recording and remove confusion that can be caused if there are multiple speakers who interrupt each other or who speak without a microphone. Approach can been seen to use the wisdom of the crowd by formally/informally assigning roles to participants: editor (subject matter expert), content (URLs, references), annotation/general feedback/organization (students & public participation), agitators (stir the pot), and moderators. Indicated there were still issues to work out about ownership of content and privacy.

      Tactile Graphics (Charts, Maps) for People with Visual Impairments

      Presentation by a company that produces tactile graphics called Tactile Vision Inc. They produce 2D tactile graphics using thick cardstock in a standard size of 11.5" by 11". The kinds of graphics they produce include maps, floor plans, emergency exit routes, graphs, flow charts. The images are 'read' by touch. They use a variety of techniques to distinguish between different elements in a tactile graphic: raised lines, varying line thickness, dashed or dotted lines, textures, raised shapes, and symbols. They remove any embellishment from files that will not be useful to people with visual impairments.

  • Sandra Law is now following Cindy Ives May 31, 2012 - 3:08pm
  • Sandra Law added a new discussion topic Games, productive failure and independent learning in the group Educational Games & Simulations May 9, 2012 - 12:21pm
    When I set about designing an alternate reality game I did not initially think about the connection between ill-structured problem solving and productive failure. However, looking back I see that encouraging learners to fail productively...
  • Sandra Law commented on the blog Innovation comparisons and NKI May 4, 2012 - 11:57am
    Mary, your point concerning provision of learner supports to students ("students are offered all the support they may need to successfullly complete the course") is one that I am pre-occupied with specifically in the context of the self-paced...
  • Sandra Law created the group Educational Games & Simulations April 4, 2012 - 10:17am
    Site for exploring role that games and simulations play in learning.
  • Sandra Law created the group Accessibility at AU February 23, 2012 - 11:40am
    A group for people interested in web accessibility, inclusive design, and universal design for learning in the context of the course design process and the provision of learner support services.
  • Sandra Law commented on a bookmark CBC News: "Wall Street protests take zombie turn" in the group AU Zombie Research Group October 11, 2011 - 1:49pm
    I think that you see the protests through your own political filter (depending on your biases) When I saw the dollar munching zombies I thought of the original Romero films in which the zombies go to the mall to continue to consume - post life. The...
  • Sandra Law joined the group AU Zombie Research Group October 11, 2011 - 1:25pm
  • Sandra Law joined the group Virtual World Development Group November 2, 2010 - 1:03pm
  • Sandra Law joined the group Learning Analytics September 14, 2010 - 10:41am
  • Sandra Law joined the group Academic Blogging Circle July 6, 2010 - 12:24pm
  • Sandra Law commented on the blog Pedablogy May 5, 2010 - 2:41pm
  • Sandra Law commented on the blog Pedablogy May 5, 2010 - 1:32pm
  • Sandra Law commented on the blog Pedablogy May 5, 2010 - 11:49am