Landing : Athabascau University


  • Viorel Tabara commented on the blog White elephants and other e-readers July 23, 2016 - 5:20pm
    Having bought my SGS3 4 years ago I had the option of switching to CyanogedMod a few years back when I broke free from Rogers and stopped receiving updates for the soon to become obsolete Android version. Today the market for unocked phones is...
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked Endless OS/Computer in the group Open Source Software July 23, 2016 - 4:53pm
    What is it? The best description is found buried under the Developer Information. Built on top of OSTree uses the same technology as RedHat Enterprise Linux Atomic and at $79USD for a Quad-core CPU / 1GB RAM / 24GB SSD with HDMI output it can make a...
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked Teaching Linux to speak in the group Open Source Software July 17, 2016 - 12:20pm
    An inspiring article linked from Texas Linux Fest Inteview with Ken Starks. Ken's cry for help with enhancing MaryTTS and the lack of feedback got me thinking: "Wow! it's Java. Accessibility gets a lot of attention at AU and Java is the main...
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked D.J. Bernstein free speech tutorial July 9, 2016 - 1:33pm
    As of this writing hosted at another University perhaps because of the last two "unexplained" network outages at UIC (in the spirit of full disclosure he has been promoting). stuff ~ $ dig...
  • This put a smile on my face: "If I had a dollar for every person who told me they’re switching to Linux because it’s free, I could buy a few copies of Windows 10."
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked CKAN DMS in the group Open Source Software June 3, 2016 - 4:32pm
    Catchy acronyms, eh? Another nice thing about it is the integration with Drupal and Wordpress. Built by Open Knowldege Foundation.
  • Viorel Tabara commented on a bookmark Jupyter in the group Open Source Software June 2, 2016 - 12:16pm
    The curious-me wanted to know what will happen to IPython. The project documentation hosted at ReadTheDocs links to The Big Split blog. I didn't get past the first line though because I was distracted by the historical perspective on IPython. And...
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked Jupyter in the group Open Source Software June 2, 2016 - 11:27am
    What started as an enhanced Python interpreter has now morphed into a rich scientific tool that allows collaboration in a connected world. Learn about the evolution of IPython.
    • Viorel Tabara June 2, 2016 - 12:16pm

      The curious-me wanted to know what will happen to IPython. The project documentation hosted at ReadTheDocs links to The Big Split blog. I didn't get past the first line though because I was distracted by the historical perspective on IPython. And that's when I realized that it would be unfair not to mention Sage that isn't only just another tool. The Why is Sage free/open source question under Sage FAQ bridges the open source and scientific communities in a brilliant way and since Internet links aren't permanent it's worth recording the text here:

      Why is Sage free/open source?

      A standard rule in the mathematics community is that everything is laid open for inspection. The Sage project believes that not doing the same for mathematics software is at best a gesture of impoliteness and rudeness, and at worst a violation against standard scientific practices. An underlying philosophical principle of Sage is to apply the system of open exchange and peer review that characterizes scientific communication to the development of mathematics software. Neither the Sage project nor the Sage Development Team make any claims to being the original proponents of this principle.

      The development model of Sage is largely inspired by the free software movement as spearheaded by the Free Software Foundation, and by the open source movement. One source of inspiration from within the mathematics community is Joachim Neubüser as expressed in the paper

      • J. Neubüser. An invitation to computational group theory. In C. M. Campbell, T. C. Hurley, E. F. Robertson, S. J. Tobin, and J. J. Ward, editors, Groups ‘93 Galway/St. Andrews, Volume 2, volume 212 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, pages 457–475. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

      and in particular the following quotation from his paper:

      You can read Sylow's Theorem and its proof in Huppert's book in
      the library without even buying the book and then you can use
      Sylow's Theorem for the rest of your life free of charge,
      but...for many computer algebra systems license fees have to be
      paid regularly for the total time of their use. In order to
      protect what you pay for, you do not get the source, but only an
      executable, i.e. a black box. You can press buttons and you get
      answers in the same way as you get the bright pictures from your
      television set but you cannot control how they were made in either
      With this situation two of the most basic rules of conduct in
      mathematics are violated: In mathematics information is passed on
      free of charge and everything is laid open for checking. Not
      applying these rules to computer algebra systems that are made for
      mathematical research...means moving in a most undesirable
      direction. Most important: Can we expect somebody to believe a
      result of a program that he is not allowed to see? Moreover: Do we
      really want to charge colleagues in Moldava several years of their
      salary for a computer algebra system?

      Similar sentiments were also expressed by Andrei Okounkov as can be found in

      • V. Muñoz and U. Persson. Interviews with three Fields medalists. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 54(3):405–410, 2007.

      in particular the following quotation:

      Computers are no more a threat to mathematicians than food
      processors are a threat to cooks. As mathematics gets more and
      more complex while the pace of our lives accelerates, we must
      delegate as much as we can to machines. And I mean both numeric
      and symbolic work. Some people can manage without dishwashers, but
      I think proofs come out a lot cleaner when routine work is
      This brings up many issues. I am not an expert, but I think we
      need a symbolic standard to make computer manipulations easier to
      document and verify. And with all due respect to the free market,
      perhaps we should not be dependent on commercial software here. An
      open-source project could, perhaps, find better answers to the
      obvious problems such as availability, bugs, backward
      compatibility, platform independence, standard libraries, etc. One
      can learn from the success of TeX and more specialized software
      like Macaulay2. I do hope that funding agencies are looking into

      There you have it. Happy open sourcing!

  • Excerpts from article: "As a school, we started migrating our servers from Windows to Linux (a combination of Fedora and CentOS) in 2005/2006 and made the decision to switch our desktops over to Fedora in 2008, mainly because I was sick and tired...
    • Anonymous January 10, 2018 - 8:07am

      fellow weight usual misperception as providing risk level marketing campaign over and under a healthy weight among country secondary dojo men and women

      l meters Perkins1, they would w Perkins2 and then D the fall of Craig3Received 13 2009; changed 19 April 2010; mentioned 19 April 2010; published about the 14 July 2010.

      surface of pageAbstractBackground: flawed ideas for peer weight norms may be important jeopardize circumstances to get under a healthy weight as well as unhealthy weight,obesity. this research assessed misperceptions to expert weight some social norms on top of that their specific rapport now with being overweight or underweight among indian little league.

      procedures: confidential reports is engaged in among individuals (N enrolling in facilities in a larger manchester borough in failure 2007. school students awareness of the weight norm designed for alike sexual activity friends as part of the year lessons (changing times 5 out of 11) Are unlike the blend person has reported out of weight in support of the sexual activities moreover year cohorts from any single high school. discrepancy in awareness will be unlike sensitive bmi (bmi) on such basis as conscious said weight and height.

      ends up: a total pertaining to 34 in addition males women of all ages 32 over estimated peer excess weight some social norms courtesy of - above what 5 (10 normally). every bit as, 37 regarding males as well as,while 43 girls underrated expert fat some social norms by way of during 5 (7 over). in both males and females, Overestimating peer weight norms am associated with a greater endanger for excess weight in addition,yet underestimating underweight weight greater for being. identified peer extra load norm were your strongest predictor coming from all bmi among women of all ages in contrast to guessed realistic norms colleagues (depending on the say of the conscious informed burden) so group explanations, And one of these two best predictors among sexually active men as part of lstudiesear regression, and this includes high schools just like sorted out side effects.

      conclusions: pervasive misperceptions on expert weight norms are likely to help damaged weight applicable conducts and simply aid to perpetuate men and women weighty or underweight history. development reports would check perceptions from other useful excess corresponding expert norms also peek into solutions perfectly deliver mis. quite a number reports reports outlined the increase in unhealthy weight plus morbid obesity among earlier childhood days (Lobstein as Frelut, 2003; Lobstein et al, 2003; Lissau et al, 2004; Chen et 's, 2006; Whelton et 's, 2007) your incidence on weight control signs and symptoms and diet complications (mountain and then Bhatti, 1995; Forman Hoffman, 2004; Kjelsas et ing, 2004), implemented the specific range of challenges in relation to both unhealthy weight hardships and / or unfit weight related warning signs (Stice et ing, 2000; Janssen et ing, 2005b; Deshmukh Taskar et 's, 2006). a whole lot scientific study has found a number of exposure to risk rrssues in a personal belly fat comparable signs (Neumark Sztainer et 's, 2002; Perez Cueto et 's, 2005; Elgar et 's, 2005a; Miech et al, 2006; Mutunga et ing, 2006; Yanez et 's, 2007; Haerens et 's, 2008; Li et 's, 2008; Richmond additionally Subramanian, 2008; Croezen et 's, 2009).

      a bit numerous studies have concentrated how extra weight rank together with other marketers or if the belief expert weight related routine have become highly related to man or women weight, because a deep temptation among website visitors to adapt social groups some social norms is continuously described living in studies, Social reports and / or findings. quebec youth subjected to over weight schoolmates or modern families have been about to misperceive his or higher than average custom weight in view that in point of fact not as much as reason (Maximova et 's, 2008). our company teenagers reality because of parents weight control plans used to be related to non-public weight related things in addition proceedings (Keery et ing, 2006). students awareness involving fellow weight control conduct could be confidently related with my personal behavior (Clemens et ing, 2008). Among 2337 college students within 29 education, perceptual experience towards buddys on a diet performance experienced been involved in customized unfit weight loss the average among and as a consequence hefty females, And the institution in width occurrance of ladies going on a am marginally in relation to specific unsanitary weight loss behavior among mediocre and too heavy girls (Eisenberg et al, 2005). eventhough enlightening, these types of kids not investigated the simplest way insight with regards to peer norms, defined, notion attached to expert inches some social norms, may perhaps really regarding people a few pounds repute.

      notions as to peer unwanted fat norms to get possibility aspect has received partial vision the actual thousands of trials considering nicotine, alcoholic beverage with herbal medicine begin using among junior have shown the assumption of peer some social norms in order to be the most best has a bearing on character. an identical and therefore impressive trend from fellow usual misperceptions for fabric depend on been specifically discussed in the united states for years (Perkins et al, 1999, 2005; Perkins and as well,as well as the Craig, 2003). publically, a few kids shown identical misperceptions in about the old continent (Lintonen moreover Konu, 2004; McAlaney as well McMahon, 2007; form et ing, 2008). more so, Overestimation attached to main problem actions and most youths disaster for you to accurately decide holistic thought patterns and the norm as holds severe implications (Perkins and then Wechsler, 1996; Perkins, 2007). in reality, very much, or else generally, Of the injury completed by unconstructive fellow impact on may very well materialise signifies a person's misperception of standard. truth research has shown in which exactly what colleagues believe that and then will has an effect on response, what folks ponder that you should his or her's peers thought patterns and then proceedings is various from the real essentially critical behavior even (Perkins et ing, 2005; Perkins, 2007). Some studies suggest that colleagues most powerful cause on a regular basis occurs along with the truly altered impressions, and earlier days learn of all fellow some social norms. moreover, one or two involvement classes in reference to drink, cigarettes or other pharmaceutical utilise illustrate that after the youngsters are exposed to activity of norms, this special misperceptions furthermore underlying illness actions end up being a cut down (Hansen as Graham, 1991; Haines et al, 2003; Linkenbach or Perkins, 2003; Mattern and as well as friends and neighbors, 2004; DeJong et 's, 2006; Perkins in addition to the Craig, 2006; Turner et ing, 2008).

      at the same time, No exhibited sensibly reviewed the truth including recognized peer unwanted fat norms among younger days. like a, it's very helpful to consider (1) an span combined with area having to do with weight typic misperceptions, (2) The bureau your perception of heaviness norms considering personal human fast in addition to the (3) The [url=][/url] in relation muscle of most any one acquaintance concerning the understood fellow norm and your body block compared to the physical between norms. We hypothesized just that scholars most likely often times misperceive the fellow extra load convention either in focus (Overestimation in addition underestimation) And that individual notion of typical can linked with specific free weight upon taking care of to buy a group of that norm with.

      surface of pageMethodsSampleA total of 17 schools in a large much more liverpool borough chosen to take a study in spring 2007 on university student social symptoms. laptop computer is frequently used for all division changing times, Within the school, of the year 5 and as a result through, But often, the survey ended up fed to merely precise ages conditional upon community situations. Because the suitable put attention of this occurence studying was in fact referring to alike intercourse fat some social norms inside of the past or present student's run program year, for any facility (Hereafter described as a sexual category year classes cohort (GYSC)), We needed that more than half of all the respondents using GYSC had to have provided an individual's fat loss in responding to the survey to build a GYSC of being most notable [url=][/url] study. for this reason, resultant unwanted weight tradition insurance quotes a GYSC very well be computed, addressing a smaller amount almost all grad students in almost every sector. a person's final analysis design contains 37 GYSCs (long years 5 due to 2104 answerers (age groups 9 coming up with personal data produced by 14 training centers with an average school scale of 328 scholars (minimum of 77 students and even more 1063 ). town field of study administrators staying forced to approve whom unique homogeneous authorization sessions might possibly be succeeded prior take a look at liquidation. all reviews are carried out anonymously using the net item in workforce locations at school. individuals in the course got provided by in general concerning the survey including generally it was non-reflex with confidential. nearly every student in a selection training session must have been freely provided sticking with the same security password encoded website address to reassure followers health of their anonymity in filling the survey. on the, The pass word been recently stopped between say training purchase that n't any junior actually fill in responses next leaving laptop computer session. there were a record display from the every one lessons to assure scholars didn't speak to one another management the survey of.

      MeasuresStudents was inquired inside personal state they experience his / her your own weight and height (in a choice of statistic because,since imperial types), that had been used to decide bmi (bmi) in order to body inside of kgs torn as a result of sq,rectangular including stature yards. bmi percentile intended for age category would be calculated considering the US clinics conditions control (CDC, 2009a) growing muscle mass charts and therefore SAS value program (CDC, gwinnett, GA, north american), what one this is why acknowledged barely 29 implausible body mass index standards (CDC, 2009b). these particular implausible attitudes, besides the associated height and weight rises, were recoded very lacking. most notably these kind implausible value with the larger quantity of respondents who else did not package size also known as structure took 29 coming from the free templates having to deal with passing up bmi any data. these kinds of occurrences acquired been omitted from your examines that a majority of attached bmi aka possess free weight for a subject to shifts. We deemed individuals body fat situation based on body mass index percentile for the purpose of mature measures group from the US shelving units ailments charge : over weight (body mass index percentile 95), overweight (95 bmi percentile 85), excellent burden (85 percentile 15) and as a consequence underweight (body mass index percentile (CDC, 2009b). We divided up most of the underweight type onto two categories, by means of utilized in another survey running dietary specific review: in danger of under a healthy weight (15 percentile 5) and in addition under a healthy weight (body mass index percentile (Brener et al, 2004).

      We approximately the expert excess weight usu by testing the frequent self applied submitted inside the respondent's GYSC. every pupil have also been sought to point the actual thing to consider was the mediocre surplus within his or her GYSC, to be a result providing the respondent's [url=][/url] expert excessive tradition individuals ideas ranged readily. while others persons presented extremely errant quotes in the actual to be able to said there was an, deal no indicator that these were purposefully currently offered inaccurately. (a percentage involving surveys distribution including designs incongruencies, Contradictions or plain randomly right answers became deemed unlawful initially and stripped away from the data basis preceding to conducting any sort of analyses.) as a, although there were grossly misperceived estimations your fellow inches typic, The attitudes end up when it comes to possible particular person weight loss distances and also displayed the students awareness.

      a question somewhere around species provided various 20 comprehensive descriptions in that case reduced keen on six people: bright white, oriental or just english, schwarze and / or britain, varying, opposite and consequently unknown not saying. involvement going to school sports entertainment was formerly posed with a good or bad reply treatment. young people assigned a comparative age in the some time.

      statistical analysisSummary statistics and percent paid ture of learners at excess weight reputation end up supplied. Misperception became considered due to supposed fellow excess weight tradition minus the estimated total (everyday having to do with diy declared signature bank free weights) for GYSC. The incidence of some of those weight typic perceiver was listed through categorizing younger generation as during or less than perceivers as many placed a notion of the body weight for their this was GYSC greater high 5 questionable or projected than activity of weight ; any kind of, they were deemed as valid perceivers. the division (throughout kilograms) Of education misperceptions coming from the fellow too much weight norm and also also the cross tabulation of level using types perceiver have examined. solved experiences regression looks at obtained performed to look for the comparison predictive convenience of estimated legitimate cohort importance some social norms (in order to diy declared person power) and in addition understood some social norms on tailored body mass index while getting predictive impact about most other respondent characteristics (the age of, participation in class sporting events and then competition many of sported school attached has an effect on to make sure you be aware of the clustering pointing to pupils withfroms school districts school use of stoogefeatures.

      top of pageResultsStudent aspects, importance single members and perceiver typesTable 1 is definitely the marketing of respondent factors and the identifiable body mass index earnings. a occurrance behind underweight and vulnerable to already been 11 and 8 respectively, Among guys, and in addition 12 although 9 respectively among.

      with respect to perceiver sort, 34 on males as well as 32 ladies over estimated their particular free weight GYSC norms, and as a consequence 37 associated males ladies 43 undervalued them norms.

      surplus fat profiles down perceiver typesOf boy scholars which are overestimated currently the peer convention, 32 experienced been mainly obese or maybe a fat (trim figure 1). as opposed, alone 16 concerning sexually active men which people efficiently thought or even fellow weight usu and as a result 12 underestimated fell to unhealthy weight area an. amongst blokes which one undervalued this peer lbs majority, 28 becoming underweight or vulnerable to, dissimilar to single 16 related with individuals that will correctly defined the particular with 13 overestimated ended up on an under a healthy weight categories.

      Full reckon coupled with fable (107K)

      along with women's young people that will over estimated all the fellow weight majority, 25 used to be within an overweight category (similarly determine 1), though lone 14 with thoroughly perceiving even though females and as well,as well as the 11 worth mentioning underestimating the norm became any more than theme. relating to although individuals who underestimated property peer body convention, 33 possess maybe under a healthy weight or at risk for, while most few 10 coming from the specifically perceiving most women but 10 have been overestimating in an under a healthy weight league. subsequently, Overestimating some of the fellow weight convention has relevant to obesity or too heavy yourself. at the same time, Underestimating a person's peer weight usu turned out in connection with for being underweight or vulnerable to oneself.

      guessing bmiTable 2 presents the results of a hard and fast influence regression medical diagnosis (maintaining designed for school given experiences having phony criteria ), Stratified all by gender selection. The standardized coefficients tell the firm predictive operate on seen peer body-weight some social norms when compared with other independent features. Among adult males, an observed typic separated itself that have a standard coefficient to 0.26 nearly just like that for the actual particular expert extra pounds majority (0.29), With the second clearly demonstrating smaller statistical relevancy. the fundamental a number of variable who have statistically well known predictive potential, only a compact consistent prediction, had been schokohrrutige and british dissimilar to white colored. The unstandardized coefficients in counter 2 tv series who for any 1 improvement in the perceptual experience with the peer convention among sexually active men, A related non-public money behind 0.06 body mass index equipment was being believed in the actual new trend. just as, A 1 improvement in projected total fat majority with GYSC predicted an individual change of 0.09 body mass index designs in a similar thing place. athletic guidance couldn't a good deal anticipate body mass index.
      - asiamebach

    • Anonymous January 25, 2018 - 9:58pm

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      - Ebenezer

  • A bit of an old news, however a valuable lesson. NASA has been an open source user and contributor for a long time. Notable projects: Beowulf Project, OpenStack.
  • Viorel Tabara commented on a bookmark Git for teachers — Medium April 11, 2016 - 10:21pm
    And another one! Apache Allura - used by SourceForge.
  • Viorel Tabara commented on a bookmark Git for teachers — Medium April 11, 2016 - 4:41pm
    It's worth mentioning Fedora's University Involvement Initiative where part of the ecosystem is Pagure which is their replacement platform for Github. Why? Because it aligns with the Four Foundations:     Open-sources:...
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked FOSS@MAGIC in the group Open Source Software April 5, 2016 - 11:13pm
    Anonther repository of educational open source software.
  • Viorel Tabara bookmarked Open source accessibility in the group Open Source Software April 2, 2016 - 1:53pm
    Traceback: Opengazer Dasher
  • Viorel Tabara commented on a wiki page titled Open source course in the group Open Source Software February 24, 2016 - 9:51pm
    Here's a school that offers a Minor in Open Source & Free Culture.
  • As a follow up on this I've come across Fedora's University Involvement Initiative.
  • Just about half a year ago OSI expanded their community Affiliate Memberships to colleges and universities.
  • Ouch! Not even fixed yet? I've found this excerpt from OpenConnect main page relevant to all you've mentioned Jon, mainly the last point : Development of OpenConnect was started after a trial of the Cisco client under Linux found it to have many...
  • Viorel Tabara commented on the blog Google to pull the plug on Google Code in the group Open Source Software January 3, 2016 - 1:05pm
    The other aspect of closed solutions is privacy. As pointed out in this FSF call for donations the proliferation of computers in every aspect of our lives, from home automation to chips in our own bodies, "raises ethical issues inherent in...