The discovery of new attributes is a really interesting side-effect of following the process. Great discovery! It helps to confirm my belief that this is worthwhile even when the end result will not be a relational database. The man who taught me systems analysis was fond of observing that companies often called him in to help build a computer system but, quite often, the process led them to realise that it was not a new computer system that they needed but better ways of working in the first place. Until we really understand the human and organizational systems we are trying to computerize we are likely not just to fail but to make things worse than they were before!
Yes - surrogate keys are a great idea once you have a clear and accurate model, but they really get in the way of finding that model!
I like the simple sentence - I've often used the sentence myself when explaining what it is about but have not come across that explicit mapping to normal forms before. Nice! Do share that bookmark via the group bookmarks if you have not done so already - it looks useful.
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