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  • UNIT 4: Script Use and Augmentation: Problem [Learning Diary 4]

UNIT 4: Script Use and Augmentation: Problem [Learning Diary 4]

Hahd Khan
  • Public
By Hahd Khan August 17, 2021 - 12:58pm

Javascript Use

For this unit I studied implementation of  JavaScript code from html tags. Using lessons and tutorials on some of the JavaScript sites provided by Athabasca I have managed to dive into this scripting language to make a web gallery of my website.

The JavaScript code that I found was written by The WebShala. I decided to use it because I want my projects to be displayed as a carousel. Although the code was long, I think it is good because it works as intended. However, one thing I would change is the readability of the code because there are barely any spaces. For example, 

for(let i=0; i<responsive.length;i++){has no spaces between operators so I changed it so that it would be more readable by adding spaces. Another thing that I changed is the number of projects to be shown. I changed the items from 4 to 3 because I only want 3 to show, but the original code showed 4 projects per slide.

One major takeaway from unit 4 is utilizing variables and functions effectively in scripting languages may vary from procedural or functional programming languages.

Responsive Thumbnail Slider using by Html Css Javascript. (2019, August 31). YouTube.