Landing : Athabascau University

Three illustrations of a global copyright regime out of balance

1. Michael Geist reported Thursday that "the Department of National Defence is using crown copyright to demand the removal of a leaked government document that has been widely discussed and posted on the Internet."

2. ABC News (that's the Australian Broadcasting Corp) reported Friday that the New South Wales police are being sued for software piracy:

UK software company Micro Focus is demanding at least $10 million in damages from NSW Police. It claims NSW Police has been using pirated copies of their computer software for more than a decade to run their COPS (Computerised Operational Police System) - the largest criminal intelligence database in the country.

(This item maybe siqgnals not so much regime imbalance as regime absurdity: the police here are the pirates.)

3. Earlier this month, as reported by CBC, "Canada Post has filed a lawsuit against an Ottawa-based geographic data company, alleging that the firm's collection of postal codes infringes on a copyright that Canada Post owns."