I think the decision to take the job is really dependant on the individual in question and their basic stance between what is right and wrong in their eyes. This is a complex situation to put oneself in even though the answer might appear at first glance to be black and white. It is also important to note that there are many companies present in natural resources and even white collar positions that put many people in this position every day and it is obvious that a lot of people must have made their decision to have all these companies currently operating.
Personally I would decide to not take the job. My decision would be influenced primarily by my stance with being an advocate for the environment, so it would be an obvious answer for me which position to take. While the job does seem perfect for my skillset one must know that no job is perfect and that there always are other opportunities out in the field that one can take to make a living, even if the skillset does not match up perfectly.
One question I would raise to this ethical dilemma is why someone with such a strong position on the environment would choose a field and or industry that can tend to go against such beliefs? I would say to further rationalize the future of one’s family and career in this circumstance one should outlay their skills and see if they are transferable to another industry which is not as harmful to the environment.
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