Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 0 Orientation-Diary Entry

Chad Harmer
  • Public
By Chad Harmer May 23, 2012 - 3:01pm

In Unit 0 I was given a general outline of the way the COMP 266 will be taught and marked. The unit touched on necessary bases from plagiarism to subject competence.

In Mid-Unit I was taught how my portfolio (which was to be my main assignment) will be assesed, and how the completed website is only a fraction of the overall mark.

I found the content and mainpage a little overwhelming at the beginning, but I believe I have figured out how to navigate the course pages (Landing Page, MOODLE, SCIS Webspace etc.) at this point. COMP266 seems to be very different than other credits I have taken through Athabasca. I think it may take a little bit longer for me to become fully aquainted and comfortable with this learning method.

As part of UNIT 0 I have setup my profile on "The Landing" as well as sent a request to be a member of the COMP266 group.-- I believe this group will not become live until JUNE.1st.

At the current time I have not shared any thoughts with other members of the course.

I am now starting UNIT 1 and looking very forward to diving into website design and both the extenal and internal tools we have available.

Please share any thoughts,