Landing : Athabascau University

Week 7 - Cybercrime Legislation in Germany

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By Leah Korganowski in the group COMP 607: Fall 2015 cohort November 8, 2015 - 2:40pm

Germany is an interesting country of interest in terms of cyber security and legislation. It was one of the first countries to officially recognize cyber-attacks and the serious threat that they impose on technology as well as businesses and the government (Ryerson, 2013). While many countries lack such cyber related legislation, in the past few years Germany has actually put in place a number of laws, which many sceptics actually believe will threaten the IT industry (Heisse-Kursawe, 2011). Sceptic’s main arguments were that the following laws effected the daily work of many people involved in the IT industry and would criminalize these activities. These activities include: 

Password Scanning
Port Scanning
Network sniffing
Remote maintenance systems

(Heisse-Kursawe, 2011) 

Also one important concept to note that for a cybercrime to be an offence in German law, there must be “intent” as in many other countries, where the one committing the act must know that they are breaking the law. 

After reviewing a number of German Technology and Cyber related laws I can come to the conclusion that they are fairly forefront in the world in terms of addressing computer related crimes. Unlike many countries, including Canada, many cybercrime related cases are left purely up to interpretation and relation to older privacy and security laws which do not have such direct intention with today’s cyber world. German cyber laws have a wide base of topics it relates to, I think better equipping the courts with handling criminal offences. Some of these topics include laws about Hacking, data sabotage, data tampering, interception of data, disruption of telecommunications facilities, etc. (Heisse-Kursawe, 2011). 
