Landing : Athabascau University

self organized learning - BUBBL.US concept map


This is a link to the BUBBL.US concept map I created to draft out the ideas about self-organized learning, using blogging as one central tool to integrate a PLN.

Self-Organized-Learning Concept Map by Glenn Groulx

For me, this would have been a tremendously useful tool for presenting my own portfolio using Elluminate and sharing my desktop while laying out a visual map summarizing the main points of my e-portfolio for the reviewers.

I can see this as a tremendous collaborative tool, and the blog links to these concept maps as they grow, like a wiki, with a shared overview being built upon by a group of learners.

I also see a tremendous potential for literacy learners needing to get feedback ont heir writing at the planning stages.

Notes to Viewers: To view the entire concept map you will need to click on the page, then hold down the mouse key as you move your mouse in any direction to scroll. If you have moved your mouse too high or low on the page, and cannot get the page to scroll up, down, left or right, click again on the page.