Articulation activities include blogging posts that record one's own attempts at organizing one's resources into a more coherent way. This involves a clear formulation of the information needs you have, and a shortlist of experts and peers within AU landing you seek to follow. You identify and record a series of information gathering routines you tend to engage in, and collect and summaraize some key articles within the Landing or on the WWW. The articulation process also describes one's group joining activities, why you have selected certain peers to follow, what RSS feeds and bookmarks you have begun to choose, and why/how you have begun to modify your personal profile.
Again, I have noticed the activites described here within the tlstln group, and it is interesting to note that indeed participants return to their profiles several times following further investigation of the AU landing's resources, almost as if by familiarizing oneself with how others set up their profiles, it impacts their own self-presentation and posting styles.
Example of Activity:
Which Groups would you like to join?
What individuals have you begun to follow? What are the main reasons for following these individuals?
How has your profile changed over time, if at all?
Have you begun to comment tentatively on the blogs of those you have been following?
Are you beginning to use tags more systematically, and place more than one post under the same tags (also known as piling)?
have you reflected on your information needs in a blog post, in view of the resources available to you within AU Landing?
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