I really enjoyed Viviane Vladimirschi’s presentation entitled ‘Design Guidelines for Brazilian K-12 Teachers Supporting the Development of their professional practice. It is very important research for education in K to 12 on a global scale, because of the significant issues which this type of research highlights; the need for change; in teacher practice, in curriculum development, in implementing functional blended/hybrid learning environments, and in teacher professional development.
This type of research is needed in public education to highlight the importance of constructivist teacher practice and the viability of active learning through the construction of knowledge. The greatest challenge for teachers is change. This kind a research allows for a process of change that is supportive of student needs, teacher needs and societal needs. Please keep me in the loop.
I am especially interested in how you will maintain sustained engagement on the part of teachers over time, and how you will maintain enthusiasm for the project once the research has been completed.
Here is something that I use as a guide for the public education system in Alberta when considering change in practice:
The Potential of and the implications for students, teachers, parents and educational institutions on current practice for all of the following:
Blended/Hybrid Learning
Transactional Distance as a learning tool
Constructivist Instructional Practice, defined as an (active) process (on the part of the student) that supports:
The construction of knowledge by the individual
Through active, collaborative and authentic learning, (situated, experiential, meaningful and cost effective)
Teacher Practice and Student Learning
Traditional TP categorized as active and controlling with little or no engagement nor input by students
Constructivist TP categorized as promoting learners who do not just take in and store up given information; but more importantly make and test tentative interpretations of new experiences until a satisfactory structure emerges
Truth and certainty are replaced with the terms viability and active learning through the construction of knowledge.
Implications of Active Learning and Authentic Learning in the year 2016 for:
Teacher Practice/Teacher Education
Student Learning
Student Assessment
Hybrid/Blended Learning
Traditional Classroom Learning
Traditional Distance Learning
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