Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 1 - reflective learning diary

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By Renattae Schmidt March 18, 2016 - 11:21am

Work Completed for Unit 1

Unit 1 requires you to create a general structure for the site that you plan on creating throughout the rest of the course.  The first thing I did was decide on what kind of website I am going to create and then I researched different existing similar sites to see how I should structure the site. From there I created personas of who would come and visit my site and scenarios as to why they are visiting my site. I then created images with paint to give a rough idea of how the different pages of the site would look.


Learning outcomes completed

-          I identified the potential audiences and purpose for my website.

-          I used a simple but structured process to identify how the website will address the needs of the anticipated audience.


What went well, what could be improved, what was difficult

I believe that one of the purposes of this unit was to start looking into different way to use different programming tools like java and CSS and what they offer. Unfortunately, the way that I learn is by actually coding. I can’t simply look at a list of features that these programs can offer, I need to actually use them to understand them. For this reason I found it quite difficult to decide on what kind of website I wanted to create because I wasn’t (and am still not) sure if the site I decided on will need to use these different features.


What would I do differently

I think I might not have spent enough time looking up different features that programs like java and CSS offer before deciding and starting to create the general structure of the website I wanted to create. I am therefore a bit worried that when it comes time to add these different features, there will be no need for them on my site.