Landing : Athabascau University


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By Amanda Douglas June 9, 2010 - 12:40pm

Hi Everyone,

I am a fan of blogs and have often attempted to start my own on many different subjects. However, I get as far as coming up with the name of the blog, introducing myself and creating the first post. For some reason, I have never been able to keep it current. Maybe it was because I could never think of important things to say about the matter, or because I am a master of procrastination.

My experience with the Athabasca Landing is also very limited. I have logged on, created my profile, joined a few groups and never really checked up on it all. I am happy that MDDE610 is giving me the chance to re-introduce myself to the Landing. By entering a blog post and reading those of my classmates, I hope to be inspired to continue using this social network throughout the rest of my studies!
