Landing : Athabascau University

ePortfolio New Zealand 2007

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By Jon Dron March 29, 2007 - 10:35pm Comments (86)

Sitting here in sunny Wellington at the wrap-up to ePortfolio NZ 2007. 

I have attended the odd presentation on ePorfolios before, but never really paid the area a lot attention till now. What is particularly fascinating to me is how this area has converged almost completely with the social software community and the notion of personal learning environments.

Some great presentations. I particularly liked Derek Chirnside who gave an exemplary talk encompassing issues of control when running an extremely andragogic and learner centric course using many (learner-selected) Web 2.0 technologies. Also delightful to meet the very erudite and creative Serge Ravet, who sees aggregation as much more significant than integration - quite right! This was also my first introduction to Mahara, which is like Elgg on steroids (and the developers recognise Elgg as a major influence) - it has a particularly excellent innovation of views, which allows many different ways of presenting an eportfolio (whatever we think that is) to many different people. There are some big issues of identity management, trust and authorisation yet to be resolved, but things are moving in interesting and convergent directions.

Wellngton, incidentally, is a delightful, vibrant, attractive and friendly city -  well worth a visit.

By: Jon Dron
Posted: March 29, 2007, 10:35 pm
