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  • Swarm-based wayfinding support in open and distance learning

Swarm-based wayfinding support in open and distance learning

Authors: Tattersall, Colin
Manderveld, Jocelyn
Van den Berg, Bert
Van Es, René
Janssen, José
Koper, Rob
Keywords: Navigation
Swarm Intelligence
Learning Tracks
Issue Date: 26-May-2005
Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) gives learners freedom of time, place and pace of study, putting learner self-direction centre-stage. However, increased responsibility should not come at the price of over-burdening or abandonment of learners as they progress along their learning journey. This paper introduces an approach to wayfinding support for distance learners based on self-organisation theory. It describes an architecture which supports the recording, processing and presentation of collective learner behaviour designed to create a feedback loop informing learners of successful paths towards the attainment of learning goals. The approach is presented as an alternative to methods of achieving adaptation in hypermedia-based learning environments which involve learner modelling.
Created:Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:57:42 GMT

Posted: July 21, 2006, 5:57 am