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  • Deborah Schultz: NextWeb - Stop Yelling & Start Weaving

Deborah Schultz: NextWeb - Stop Yelling & Start Weaving

A nice metaphor for the social web - 'weaving', where the medium is the relationship, as well as reference to Chris Locke's notion of social networking as relationship bricolage.
I like both metaphors as they capture different things that are important about social software. Weaving is about connection and (to an extent) diversity, but also about constructing a matrix that incorporates not just people but software. I actually prefer 'bricolage' as it is about assembly of disparate and disconnected things, capturing the fact that they are reassembled into a new and recognisable order rather better than 'mashup'.
Created:Thu, 07 Jun 2007 09:19:29 GMT

Posted: June 7, 2007, 3:19 am