Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 5 - JavaScript ideas

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By Renattae Schmidt June 14, 2016 - 7:48am

Three ideas for using JavaScript in unit 5

My website is a self-promotion website for my photography services and I wanted 3 ideas that would add to the functionality of the site and enhance the experience of visitors to my site. I have therefor decided on the following three ideas of what I want to program with Java Script.


Input validation

On the contact us page, the input that visitors enter will be verified to make sure that it is valid. If the either the phone number, the first name, or last name is not entered, or is entered incorrectly, an error message will appear notifying the user of their mistake. Also, if the user fails to enter a valid e-mail address, ie it is missing an @ or there is no “.something”, a message will appear. For all the boxes where input is required and is incorrect, a red boarder will appear around the box notifying the user that the information entered in that box is incorrect and must be rechecked.

Input validation relates to the purpose of my website because it ensures that I will be able to answer any questions user might have or give more information about my services. Since the majority of the people are on my site because they are looking to hire a photographer, it is only normal they will have some questions. By ensuring that users have entered valid information, it will allow me to better serve potential consumers.


Image enlargement

I will implement code that will allow user to click on an image to enlarge it so that they can get a closer look. When the curser is over the image it will change so that the users can see that they can click on the image. They will have to click on the image to enlarge it and they will have to click again to diminish it.

I would like to implement image enlargement because I think I will allow visitors to see my photos better. Instead of only being able to look at small thumbnail images, they will be able to click on the image so that it will fill the whole screen giving them a better idea how it looks.



I will be creating a search engine that will be placed on all my webpages. It will allow visitors to ender a keyword they would like to search. All the results will then be displayed and the visitor can choose which one they would like to investigate further.

I would like to implement a search engine in my site because it would make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.