Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 7 External Data Source submition

  • Public
By Renattae Schmidt July 6, 2016 - 4:28pm

Proposal for external data use

Idea #1:

I would like to use google maps to put a map on my contact page. I think that it would improve the experience for the personas and scenarios created in unit 1 because they will be able to see where I am located. For example, let us assume that someone is interesting in my services but they are located in Sept-ils, which is about 11 hrs from where I live. If they are able to see a map of where I am located they will see that there is no point of looking into my service any further because I am located too far away.

Idea #2:

I would like to add an embedded Facebook post because I would like to have to option of being able to add my Facebook posts to my website.  I think that it would improve the experience for the personas and scenarios created in unit 1 because it will allow them to see what I have been up to, that I do indeed still take photographs, and some of my more recant activities.

Idea #3

I would also like to add embedded Facebook comments. I would like to have to option of displaying on my site comments that people have made on my pictures. I think that it would improve the experience for the personas and scenarios created in unit 1 because it will allow potential clients to see what other people think of me. Hiring a photographer is never easy so people want to make sure that they are making the right choice. By displaying that fact that people like my pictures it will increase the chance that I will be hired.


Idea #4

Finally, I would like to add a like and share button from Facebook. I think that it would improve the experience for the personas and scenarios created in unit 1 because it will allow potential clients to see what other people think of me. Hiring a photographer is never easy so people want to make sure that they are making the right choice. By displaying that fact that people have liked my pictures it will increase the chance that I will be hired.