Landing : Athabascau University

Honduran Fast Food

  • Public
By Ian Cowley June 12, 2011 - 11:36am

You could say the whole of Tegucigalpa is a drive-through restaurant. But not in the same sit in your car in a line-up / speak to a voice coming from a menu board / sit in a line-up / get handed a bag of food kind of way. Here you sit in your car until the food comes to you. Fruit, gum, cotton candy, you name it.

The best yet was yesterday. A lady selling flowers and a few fruits and vegetables from a roadside stand had plastic bags of slivered, unripe, green mangoes. After a few quick instructions from my trusty host, Alejandra, rock salt, vinegar and chili sauce were sprinkled in the bags and they were handed through the window. After a couple of shakes, the "mango verde" car-snack was ready. Spicy, salty, crunchy, with a little sweet n' sour going on.

A shy Mango Verde vendor

By: Ian Cowley
Posted: June 12, 2011, 11:36 am