Landing : Athabascau University

2 Podcasts: "Talking About Blogging"

Here are a couple podcasts of taped interviews I had with Alan Levine and Darcy Norman at the Canadian E-Learning Conference in Edmonton, in June, 2010. The versions are recorded live in the field using an RCA digital voice recorder and I did some basic editing using Audacity to boost the gain of some sections of the interviews, and removed as little as possible to retain the authentic flow of our conversations.

The first podcast is an Interview with Alan Levine About Blogging and covers some of his reasons for blogging, and how his own experience of blogging has changed over time.

In the second podcast about blogging, I conducted an Interview with Darcy Norman about Blogging and asked him about how blogging has changed over time, and what the future of blogging holds for him.

Thank you again Darcy and Alan for the time taken to talk with me about your blogging experiences.