Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 2 - Reflection Diary and website content

  • Public
By Noureen K October 16, 2016 - 7:24pm

Hi There,

The  contents of the website have been uploaded at :



 Overall, I spent a lot of time planning and implementing the visual mock-ups I created in the previous units. I also had to spend a fair bit of time brushing up on my html skills since it has been a couple of years since I last used them. Most of my html practice was completed via the W3schools site, which is extremely thorough and provided a great platform in practicing the codes which I later implemented on my own website.

 A fair bit of time was also spent on class, div and span tags. I had to practice and research on their usage since they are new for me. This lead me to create meaningful class names and place the div and span tags appropriately so they can easily be transitioned to CSS.

 I also started planning the navigation system through out the website. Since my website consists of a number of web pages, it is critical that they all link smoothly and prevent the user from being ‘lost’ between links.

 If given another chance, I would definitely spend more time with the actual contents of the website rather than focusing on making the CSSS side work.



 Linking all the sites to a home page would make sure all users are eventually able to get to the home page. This would especially be useful for users who are not web savvy.

 The website would be increasingly accessible for users of all needs and multiple platforms. I have increasingly used Alt tags for image support on multiple platforms. I have also refrained from using too many colors to assist users with visual disabilities.

 All headings and font size have been adjusted and maintained for increased readability and quick access to information for the busy website used who need information quickly.

Critique of the sample written Pages

The following errors were corrected for the sample pages.



-  Missing  doctype declaration

-  Missing meta data

-  Missing title

- Added/completed h1, h2, h3,li, p, tr, tags were needed

-  Switched all tags to lowercase

-  Corrected syntax where appropriate by adding periods and removing


-  Increased readability and maintenance by fixing indentation and spacing

Sample 2:

- Doc type declaration changed to HTML5.

- Changed meta data

- Increased readability and maintenance by fixing indentation and spacing


Three or more HTML pages

Following are the pages created: index (home.htm), contact us(contactus.html), curriculum (curri.html), our school ( ourschool.html), site maps( sitemap.html)

One or more images

Several images  

Hyperlinks between pages

Navigation bar links: home, contact us, site map, curriculum, our school. All pages link to index.html or home page

Two or more heading styles

h1, h3, h4

One or more lists

  • navigation bar at the top of every page is a list.
  • Navigation bar at the bottom of every page
  • Navigation bar in site map

One or more tags

Div and span tags on the all the pages. Also class added for more usability in the next unit

One or more tables

Curriculum table on curri.html

One or more forms

Form on contactus.html would email details.


Noureen K