Landing : Athabascau University

Pedagogic metadata - example

One effective way to introduce pedagic meta-tags for student bloggers to encourage interaction is to ask them to rate the blog posts of others in terms of how they would likely use them in future -

Each of these choices would have image icons that students can add to the posts

wheel - extremely useful, immediately relevant and applicable

balloon - interesting, and probably useful for others, recommend it

vault - useful for potential review, might be relevant in future

A useful follow-up activity would be for students who have done the meta-tagging to do a reflective posts that compares their metagging activity with their follow-up blog posts and other activities within the Landing. For example, did the students recommend the post and refer to it, or cite it and use quotes? Did they add a comment about it on the wire for others? did the student return to the posts in the vault and do something with them?