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QUICK COURSE LINKS:  Add blog post - Read latest group postsFAQs: Course process : Site design : HTML : CSS : JavaScript : JQuery : AJAX : MiscPodcasts for each unit

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mportant notice: the student web server is unavailable. Until this is fixed, we do not require you to upload your site to the student server. See Running a web server on your local machine for details of how to meet the requirements for the final unit

Review of your JQuery proposal

  • Public
By Mats Phillips in the group COMP 266 January 24, 2017 - 9:48am


  1. Drop-down menus for each of the main page buttons with sub-pages/categories. The ‘Special Patterns’ menu button will have drop-down buttons for beginner, advanced, and other methods. The ‘Solving Records’ menu button will have drop-down buttons for Worldwide and U.S. results. The ‘Facts and History’ menu button will have drop-down buttons for ‘Facts’ and ‘History’.
  2. This would help Sean to look through each of the main pages of the site and access the beginner methods directly, and would help Robert to go to the advanced solving methods from the home page, without having to click on the ‘Solving Methods’ link first.
  3. Color/theme change option for website. A settings icon can be clicked to show radio buttons, icon buttons, and drop-down menus that can change settings like background-color, foreground-color, enable/disable images, theme, and font.
  4. This would improve the browsing enjoyability of Janice, who personally likes exploring different options and enjoys customizing things.
  5. Sean could change the color or theme to his liking, to make browsing the site more attractive to him, so he can more easily take up an interest in cubing.
  6. Moveable navigation. Allow the user to drag the navigation bar on the left side of the other puzzles and special patterns pages, and move it around and un-dock it from the side to make more room for the tables.
  7. This would help the personas in Unit 1 search for other puzzles and special patterns more easily now that they have more room, and can move the navigation out of the way. Janice and Robert can look for what interests them or they think is cool in a more customized and potentially more efficient way.
  8. Resizable message box on the contact page. In the message box for the ‘Message to send to’, allow the user to resize it with their mouse using a drag-tab at the bottom-right of the message box.
  9. This would increase the efficiency and accessibility of the contact page, making the contact page do what it was originally intended to do in Unit 1, which was allow people to Contact people apart of the site team, but in a better and easier way.
  10. Accordion for the facts and history page, starting expanded, but collapsible.
  11. Makes the facts and history page illustrated in the Unit 1 site mock-up more navigatable.
  12. Replace the header on each page with JQuery HTML insert of the header from a single source.
  13. This would remove duplicate code, which is better for editing and saving on storage space and code complexity.
  14. Replace text selecting in JQuery sort and filter functions with more simple JQuery code.
  15. This would simplify the JavaScript files to make them easier to manage and understand.
  16. Make each item in a table hide-able/collapsible.
  17. This would help the personas in Unit 1 search for other puzzles and special patterns more easily now that they can eliminate what they don’t like from the page. Janice and Robert can customize and filter their searches for the right puzzles and patterns even more with this new feature.

Is this too much JQuery work? Are they all good ideas?