Over the years I had to take many difficult courses and the intension behind every course was to challenge myself. I got admitted in university of Calgary in the year 2006 in the engineering program but only after a week I decided to quit engineering because I was not sure if the discipline is for me. After that I decided to do pre-medical. I completed two years of pre-medical ruined my health and ended up transferring out of biology to Mathematical department. Finally, transferring to mathematical department clicked and I settled down. I breezed through my four years. Logic made so much sense and I graduated in 2011. I worked for about fourteen months and decided to go back to university and do something bit more useful. So, I graduated from Mechanical Engineering. At the end of every degree, I realized that programming and coding is something that you have to know if you want to survive in the industry. My programming was not so great. I took python and C++ but passed those courses with average grades and the reason behind was that I have never had that much time to really understand the logic behind these languages.
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