Landing : Athabascau University

Reflecting on Assignment 1

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By Noah Tomlin March 17, 2013 - 9:40pm

To put it lightly, this was not an easy assignment to write, organize or even understand.  While I was able to understand the absolute basics of the fictional universe of Futureville, I felt that there was critical information that was either missing or passed over without comment in the instructions and supplementary material.

I found the city memos to be useful, but a little overwrought. The focus on what exactly the city wanted from me seemed to be unclear, and ultimately the case study was far more useful than the initial memos.  Even so, I had to use guesswork as part of my role-play are certain issues that I found to be critical to the context of the assignment, but were left unadressed.  Why was the city so interested in carsharing?  Why did the counselors themselves feel like it was a good business venture?  If the city was trying to make this themselves, how would they get the funds?  Had they already sectioned off a part of their budget, or were they planning on external fundraising?  Is Futureville a Canadian city?  (This last one actually impacted a significant portion of my report involving no-fault accident insurance, which as far as I know is a purely Canadian system)

The number and variety of variables that one needs to consider for a system like this are much larger than what is documented in the assignment instructions. Even so, I believe the structured approach that I took to this assignment was worthwhile and useful for a small scale trial that the fictional city of Futureville wanted, and in the end I think I was able to make something useful and interesting to read.

To be perfectly honest, I did not like doing this assignment.  I admit it.  While skimming the instructions initially, I was excited because I felt like this could be an opportunity for me to stretch my imagination within a business context in a well-built parallel world.  However, the limitations of the world-building itself, which would seem minimal at worst to someone unfamiliar with this assignment, was a critical blow because I felt like I simply did not understand key portions of why Futureville was doing what they were doing, and as such, I felt like was unable to provide a satisfactory information systems proposal for them.

It's as if I let them down.