Landing : Athabascau University

Thesis Proposals Posted in Blogs and Wikis?

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By M Koole May 25, 2008 - 6:27pm

I have to admit that I had to think about this for a while. The more I consider it, the more I like it . . .

This brave doctoral student has posted his EdD thesis proposal online. I appreciate his candor and the insights as to how one gets through a doctoral degree. Most importantly, I like reading through his work and the opportunity to post comments. What an ingeneous way to connect to others about one's research. 

Now, where I draw the line is in using a wiki. Like some of the comments that appear in this posting, I can't imagine controlling the tone, references, and style if others can just start writing within the body of my document. I realized that wikis come with history, diff and rollback capabilities, but it would still be a little difficult to deal with. (Also, would all the contributors be awarded my degree? Would we need extra gowns and mortarboards at convocation?)

I would be in favour of a dissertation blog with comments that is open to the world. 

Very interesting. 

(Thanks to Debra H. for sending the links!)