Landing : Athabascau University

WikiGenes - Evolutionary Knowledge

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By Jon Dron August 30, 2008 - 1:23am

Full story at:

An interesting approach to trust and reputation, a wiki in which every word is attributable to its author. I like the principle and the example site (wikigenes) looks good - a decent editor, use of ontologies, rated ranking of text and authors, automated insertion of gene images and so on. Of course, some of this is customised for the site and it is still a bit buggy in its use of CSS etc. The ranking idea at this fine-grained level is potentially useful, if abusable and perhaps a bit too high-threshold to be widely used, especially for snippets - who would give five stars for a correction, for instance?
Created:Sat, 30 Aug 2008 07:23:30 GMT