Landing : Athabascau University

The Downside of a Good Idea

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By Jon Dron February 28, 2008 - 12:52am

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More (slightly indirect) evidence that parcellation is needed to build rich and diverse learning environments. In essence, big, maximally connected groups solve simple well-defined problems better, but groups organised as a small-world network are far more effective for more complex issues. Not only does this resonate perfectly with one of the key principles I developed in my book, it helps to put another nail in the coffin of crazy, evil and pernicious ideas like national curricula.

Big and undifferentiated is inefficient and counter-productive. On the other hand, so is small, for different reasons. Middle-sized offers the worst of both worlds. What we need is small parcellated clusters, weakly connected.
Created:Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:52:06 GMT