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  • New Archaeological Survey Project at Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

New Archaeological Survey Project at Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

  • Public
By Laurie Milne December 4, 2018 - 3:12pm

A collaborative project involving Parks Canada staff and researchers with Boreas Heritage Consultants in Halifax and the Middleton campus of Nova Scotia Community College is using  drones and ground penetrating radar to determine the extent and location of the Acadian cemetery in the Garrison Graveyard at Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia.  

Amazing nighttime tours of this cemetery are on offer during the summer months.  J. Melanson, a local historian whose Acadian roots go back 20 generations is a dynamic guide!  Wearing period dress,  providing visitors with lanterns,  he facilitates  an unforgettable evening!