Landing : Athabascau University

Yes, I am a nerd.

One of the editors at BoingBoing created an open thread asking for the worst, most groan-worthy math and science jokes, and there are some stinkers in there.


One of my favorites:


A biologist, a physicist and a mathematician were watching the activity of a house as part of an experiment. The first day, they saw one person go in the house. The second day, they saw two people come out of the house.

biologist: The person must have procreated!

physicist: Our initial observations must have been wrong!

mathematician: If one more person goes into the house, it will be empty!


Yes, as I already admitted, I am indeed a nerd. If you'd like some Friday humor, you can read the rest of the nerdtastic jokes at:


And speaking of nerdiness, I'd also like to point out Grant McCracken's post on teaching history as if we were teaching young people to be time-travellers who risk destroying life as we know it if they are actually caught at time traveling. That post is at:


Since you already know about my nerdiness, I will here remove all doubt by saying that this would have been fantastic motivation for me to learn history when I was in grade school..."Aw teacher, why do we have to learn this stuff? Why would we ever use it?" The answer would be "Because you can't time-travel without it" rather than that boring, philosophical answer that went "Because you need to know this to understand society and be a well-rounded person." or even the "Because I (or the government curriculum) say you must."


Just a thought...