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A quick intro video from Graham Attwell about Personal Learning Environments

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By Inge de Waard (Ignatia) August 29, 2008 - 4:24am

With the academic year coming up, quick videos that capture the imagination of learners and at the same time give a quick impression of relevant topics are in high demand.

Graham Attwell and Andryan Puscuta have published a great video on Personal Learning Environments. It hits the mark with quickly talking about history of recent communication, informal formal learning and what PLE's are.

A surplus of this video is the comic book feel it is designed in. If you are interested in implementing this type of design, there is a great photoshop tutorial on how to get this look on to your pictures (and with some experience in other software's you can extrapolate it to free or other designer software).

Graham Attwell has an eLearning blog Pontydysgu with lots of links to other audio and video material. The great thing about Graham is that he shares what he learns, it is really great material.

And here is the movie I mentioned. It is really handy as an PLE intro, or at least I think so.