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new course on education2.0 or eLearning 2.0

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By Inge de Waard (Ignatia) September 29, 2008 - 5:48am

The last couple off weeks have been quite frantic with following courses, writing articles, planning an intense training workshop ... but Soulsoup twittered me on a course that will focus on Web2.0 tools for learning.

This learning community is build with, a great web-based community software.

For those following the CCK08 course, this might also be an interesting addition. The great thing about this approach is that - as a learner - the experience itself will add to your knowledge.
What can you expect (from their own introduction):

Sponsored by Work Literacy and the eLearning Guild, from September 29 through November 7, 2008, this network will be THE place for you to learn about Web 2.0 and how social media tools can be used by learning professionals.

The goals of the event are to:

* Introduce you to new tools and methods for work and learning
* Discuss implications of these tools for learning professionals
*Prepare you to participate in DevLearn in new ways as an attendee or as a spectator.

Here's what we'll be covering:

Week 1- Social Networking--Ning, LinkedIn and Facebook
If you have specific questions about social networks that we should address as part of this module, please leave them for us here.

Week 2--Social Bookmarking and Tagging
Week 3-- Blogs
Week 4--Aggregators and RSS Feeds
Week 5--Wikis
Week 6--Pulling it all Together

Each week we will share new activities that will allow you to explore each of these tools. We recognize that there will be differences in interest, experience and time available for exploration, so these activities will be designed to give you meaningful experiences at different levels:

Not sure if I will add a lot, especially with mLearn coming closer, but still I will read this forum with great interest.