Landing : Athabascau University

eLearning predictions from across the globe

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By Inge de Waard (Ignatia) January 12, 2009 - 12:51am

While roaming the net I came across a lot of predictions for 2009. While reading just a couple of predictions is fun, reading a variety of opinions and future visions gives a holistic idea of what lives in the minds of all these great eLearning people. Patterns do emerge.

It is amazing how up-beat most of the predictions are considering the gloomy economic shadow that haunts the world right now. Does it mean eLearners are more optimistic then the average person? Is it because we tend to look for the best? Or are we just happy people with so much bagage that nothing can stop us?

Maybe we could organize some sort of lotery? At the end of the year the people who got close to the achieved facts in 2009 wins.... an open source software?

A short link overview:

‘Cartoon by Nick D Kim, Used by permission.’