Landing : Athabascau University

Dutch presentation on new technologies for education (post partly in Dutch)

Yesterday I had the opportunity to give an introduction on new learning techniques that can be used in secondary schools (at the Pleinschool in Kortrijk). This was a great opportunity to see how far I could go with teachers that were not accustomed to using TELearning in their projects or classrooms. Although some of them did use new media (soundwalks, theater video) most of them had no prior experience using new technologies.

The presentation gave an overview and focused on user friendly tools (exelearning, articulate set ...), but also gave possibilities linked to social media.
After an intense presentation, the teachers were inspired to dive into some of the shown techniques and they were enthusiastic (which definitely made my day). Along the presentation we uploaded life to flickr, youtube and ustream allowing the teachers to see the full potential and impact of some of these tools.

The great thing about this particular school (Pleinschool in Kortrijk) is that it has a great variety of students and is located across three campuses. This makes it all the more essential to develop tools that attract different learning skills and that are pleasing to a variety of students.

For those interested, you can take a look at the PowerPoint, but it is in Dutch. The examples might be interesting (example in Dutch = "voorbeeld" or abbreviated "vb".
