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  • Glenn Groulx
  • Reflections on the MDDE605 business planning process: Mission and Vision

Reflections on the MDDE605 business planning process: Mission and Vision

The process of identifying a business idea for me has been frustrating, as I am interested in continuing to work as a literacy educator, but am also trying to see what activities I want to do/can see myself doing that would fal under the category of professional learning, and what activities fall under the category of entrepreneurial activities. The spheres overlap, and this has been an interesting exercise for me to analyse what activities can lend themselves to consulting work, and which activities lend themselves to strengthening my consulting work, but in themselves are not "for profit" in the conventional sense.

My Mission:

"As a literacy educator, I wil strive to connect peoples and build bridges across the digital divides of the Internet that prevent lifelong learning."



Educators will be using ICTs in classrooms worldwide, and will be able to continuously upgrade using professional learning spaces and web communities.

Literacy learners will have greater choices over technologies used for learning, and be offered greater opportunites for using a variety of ICTs to support their lifelong learning to participate as global netizens.

The vision is continuous, lifelong, and does not involve a sales forecast, make claims of superiority or elitism, and does not necessarily involve profits in the traditonal business sense.

I derive great satisfaction from sharing my explorations about technology with other educators, through workshops, posting and commenting on blogs of mentors and colleagues, participating in web communities, and giving Elluminate presentations. Demonstrating the use of appropriate technologies and sharing my findings, can lead to blogging for profit. But the amount of workshops I may do, the contacts that lead to consulting work, blog traffic, and the presentations all depend on my credibility as a literacy practitioner working in the field.