Landing : Athabascau University

The Transformative Journey

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By Glenn Groulx March 5, 2009 - 7:17pm

I am climbing a mountain, along with lots of others. As I get nearer to the summit, I notice that the higher I go, the more stuff is left behind in the snow. It gets harder as I go despite my dropping more and more of my burden because I am tired, and need to navigate around the obstacles that lay strewn before me. I notice that many others have stopped to rest and as I pass them by I am tempted to stop and rest, but instead I push on. I get ever closer to the mountain's peak, and I look around me. Things are clearer above the clouds, there are fewer belongings left behind by others, and there are fewer fellow climbers. The journey becomes easier, and though I am tired, fewer obstacles stand in my way, and fewer distractions exist for me to consider laying down my burdens and resting, and the urge to reach the top is an overpowering one, now. I am at the top of the mountain's peak. I am alone, and see below me the things I left behind, as well as others' things. I see nothing of the toils and burdens of others, and sit down to rest, to sleep...And then I woke up.