Landing : Athabascau University

Anonymous EduBlogging

Anonymous Edublogging involves learning within a public blog. However, the learners' profiles are restricted. This enables learners to engage in anonymous group interaction. Within this anonymous space, students are offered a space in which to improvise, try on new perspectives and ideas, and rehearse a number of roles. These activities involve the following 4R's of edublogging: reading, reflecting, responding, and revising.The metaphor of the Stage, or Persona permits learners to participate as actors, performing a series of roles and practice as apprentices. These activities enable learners to adopt an alter-ego. Case studies, role plays, storytelling and creative prose or poetry, slideshows, imagined scenarios are examples of problem-based situated learning are all centered around active learning, in which the individual learner plays a role as a participant in a social learning event. Link sharing and commentaries on others' works; ideas, as well as critiques on assigned readings provide learners with authentic opportunities to write from another's perspective

Example of Reading EduBlog


Example of Anonymous Blog
